vending graph.png

Vending Machine

Distribution Network

Inspired by Doblin’s 10 type of Innovation and the ever growing domination of the Internet platforms (Google, Facebook, Amazon) as distribution channels. I began thinking of legacy infrastructure that hasn’t changed in some time. It was during a walk that I imagined Toy Vending Machines (TVM) as individual nodes in a nationwide distribution network with the exact same user interface (UI).

How can I tap into an existing network and link individual TVM nodes to create a new linked distribution channel?

How can I change the UI to foster engagement?

TVM network HLP.PNG

I dropped pins on all the locations of TVMs in Highland Park, CA. In addition, began onboarding various businesses willing to install a TVM into their store.

The first iteration is to connect them via scavenger hunt with clues taking users on a journey across the city to individual TVMs.

Target date for intervention is February 14th, 2019.